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Dietetic counselling

Dietetic counselling


Work of a dietitian is fairly wide-spread. They keep personal contact with patients needed special diet, offer them counselling, change the possible problems regarding their diet and attract their attention to the modern, healthy diet and lifestyle. Dietitians are also aware of the development of diseases, their progression and cure. In addition, they can offer a special diet therapy to alleviate, slow down or treat these problems. They are familiar with most of the latest trends and trendy diets, they are up-to-date in the field of nutrition and they are able to communicate this knowledge for the public in a way they can easily understand it. Following the first counsellings, they follow up the patients and alter their diet if necessary to guarantee the proposed aims. They are able to prepare menus in line with the legal requirements and to manage catering, they are familiar with difficulties of public catering, for which they can offer adequate responses. They are involved in education and research.


Dietetic counselling
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