
Health day in Harkány

13 Oct

Pecs-Ormansag Prevention Centre held a health day in Harkány on 13.10.2018.


The praxis community intends to establish a preventive centred professional program which offers patient-friendly services and health development trainings both for individuals and groups. Furthermore, it aims to maintain health and detect chronic diseases of public health significance as early as possible. 

The praxis community is supported by the Hungarian Government and the European Social Fund of the EU. The project operates between 01/05/2018-29/02/2020.


The scope of available individualised services are broadened by introducing new preventive services of the praxis community and by the cooperation between the praxises, which support health-maintenance and decrease the risk of developing chronic public health diseases.


Our main goals and aims are listed below:  

  • To survey the health and lifestyle conditions and risk factors of the clients registered in the praxises (as many as possible but at least 25%).
  • To offer counsellings for those detected with risk factors to change their lifestyles and dietary habits involving dietitians, physiotherapists and health care coordinators.
  • To screen diabetes affecting more and more people.
  • To screen and treat the complications of diabetes especially the “diabetic leg”, which the most common trigger for the amputations of non-traumatic extremities.
  • To organise quit-smoking programs and to survey pulmonary cancer, which is one of the most malignant tumours (with LungScreen application) and also to screen and treat patients with high risk factors.
  • To detect and treat alcoholism and other addictions in time involving addictologists.
  • To screen and treat dementia affecting mainly the elderly in time.
  • To organize and join to programs promoting healthy lifestyle, proper nutritional habits and exercises during which we assess the clients’ health conditions and risk factors and we offer counsellings for them.
  • To inform and educate clients to promote screening examinations and a healthy way of life (websites, facebook, information leaflets and participation in important events).

We organized such an event on 13/10/2018, where the participiants could have their blood pressure, blood sugar and Body Mass Index measured and also we offered other screening examinations as well as physiotherapist and dietitian counsellings free of charge.  

We managed to involve 250 clients in our health care prevention activities.